Tuesday, June 06, 2006

“I Miss My Solitary Sorrow”

A friend who is going through a hard time said that to me today. Her mother is visiting, so I guess there is less time or space for her to mope about during this rotten phase she is going through (a very difficult break up). I’m not going through a particularly hard time or anything, but I can relate to the sentiment. I miss my solo time keenly. We just have so much less space in this apartment, and as a freelancer, I was used to having the house to myself for ten hours every weekday. I feel this acute lack of privacy especially now that Zephyr has taken to jumping on me and barking loudly in my face every time I get upset. If I start to cry, yell, or raise my voice, even just to complain about some passing annoying political issue, he’ll get really agitated and try to make me be happy, or at least that is what I suppose he is doing. It is very sweet theoretically. However, in practice there is nothing more irritating to an already-upset cat person than a dog physically restraining her and emitting piercing barks in an effort to control her emotions. Anyway, the end result of all this nonsense is that Scott and I regularly fantasize about the place we will live in next. It will be ridiculously large. And, it will have a backyard. I didn’t realize how much alone time I had just by virtue of it being warm enough to go outside for more months of the year. Even public spaces are smaller and more crowded when the weather is bad. I think I need to go camping or something.

[Image from: http://www.thehotspotonline.com/eyecandy/popart/]

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