Saturday, December 30, 2006


I'm going to a rockin' new year's party tomorrow night and the theme is eighties icons. I was going to go as David Bowie, but realized I didn't have the wardrobe or eye-shadow collection to pull it off properly. But, I'm no square, I've decided to go as something more craftacular...

A quick stop at the hobby store for some felt and costume crisis solved!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I have a post-it note crammed full of things I ought to do to get my new career rolling. I procrastinated on all of them today, except for the cleaning up of my email boxes. Deleting is easy. But, that item doesn't really get crossed off either, because I didn't write back any of the lovely people whose correspondence I've shelved until the semester is over. But Molly, you say, the semester IS over. Yeah, and I don't know what to do with myself. I feel launched with no target. I feel propelled with no purpose. I'm coasting on flat ground with my wheels spinning, no effort on my part, only passive momentum being dragged to a slow stop by resistance. If I tip toe, I can slip back quietly into my old job and never mention the masters degree ever again. It will be the dirty little secret between me and my student loan company.

[Image from:]

Thursday, December 21, 2006


This afternoon I had an interview with a certain technology and culture magazine that is “plugged in,” so to speak. Not such a great interview for various reasons, but that’s beside the point. The point, Vanessa, is that the guy said to me, “Well you obviously have a lot of life experience, and that is a good thing.” That is actually more succinctly put than what he said, but what he said was kind of a rambling, stumbling, oops what is coming out of my mouth, now I’ve done it, verbal diarrhea thing that is fine for schizophrenic blogs, but confusing and scary in an interview. He said it almost like this: “Oh don’t worry about not being that great or having just said the wrong thing or that you are obviously one of our last choices because we are looking to hire someone by NEXT WEEK and we must have offered the job to about 12 other people before desperately calling you. Don’t worry about those things because you have got one thing going for you: you’re old.” I know this is what he meant, because I’m young and I’ve said this to old people when I was feeling self conscious about my lack of experience. “You’ve got a lot of life experience.” Well, maybe I never said it out loud, but I probably thought it. Here I am thinking I’m young and at the beginning of my career and the guy who is potentially going to hire me is getting self conscious about maybe having to ask me to do the menial tasks associated with an internship. Gee, who thought that at 31, you would be considered over the hill by your peers? Didn’t he get the memo that 40 is the new 30?

[Image from:]

Pie Are Round

Yes, I'm back. Yes, I'm a big loser--I couldn't juggle a blog and about three other full-time occupations. In a span of about 3 weeks, I've written over 300 math problems (a third of those in the last 48 hours) a 4000-word term paper, and I've been applying for jobs. But no, I have not been blogging.

Chapter Review
1. If each of Molly's days is divided into 3 equal segments, what is the probability that she's slept during one of those segments.
[Ans: According to the line of best fit in the scatter plot that is her life, the probability that Molly has not slept at all and is exhausted is 1.]

Did I mention I have a masters degree now? Did I mention I don't know how to spell masters degree? They don't teach you that in school. Is it title caps? Is masters possessive? Is it plural? I guess I have to wait until the degree arrives in the mail or however I get the damned expensive thing. It better look fancy--it better be embossed!

[Image from:]