Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I have a post-it note crammed full of things I ought to do to get my new career rolling. I procrastinated on all of them today, except for the cleaning up of my email boxes. Deleting is easy. But, that item doesn't really get crossed off either, because I didn't write back any of the lovely people whose correspondence I've shelved until the semester is over. But Molly, you say, the semester IS over. Yeah, and I don't know what to do with myself. I feel launched with no target. I feel propelled with no purpose. I'm coasting on flat ground with my wheels spinning, no effort on my part, only passive momentum being dragged to a slow stop by resistance. If I tip toe, I can slip back quietly into my old job and never mention the masters degree ever again. It will be the dirty little secret between me and my student loan company.

[Image from:]

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