Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Oh La La

I've been looking into this applying to college thing some more, and the more I think about it, I'm kind of getting excited about it. Am I crazy? (Or should I say "folle"?) I always did wish I could have finished my French degree, and I was only 6 hours away from doing so. UT has a pretty reasonable readmission policy and I am still a Texas resident...an interesting possibility!

I always do this. The minute I'm through with a major project, instead of reveling in my new-found leisure time, I start scheming to try something more ambitious. Now the scary prospect is, what if I don't get accepted? Dieu merci! It has been a while since I have conjugated anything en francais.

[Image from: http://stores.thehautehound.com/-strse-1319/Black-French-Beret/Detail.bok]

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