Monday, June 02, 2008


I went out with good friends in Boston tonight. It's almost as if I never left, never graduated, never moved back south, never bought a house, never had a child, never experienced craft night, never witnessed lymphoma, never felt as close to Scott as I do now. My family members are going through so much change: cross-town, cross-country, and inter-continental moves; new babies; growth; illness; recovery. You'd think they would have been the steady rock in my life, but it is really my once-new-now-old friends from Boston (and to some extent my once-old-now-renewed friends from Austin) who provide the foundation of stability that I must consult periodically as a litmus test of values. We're all on the same trajectories that started their barely salient arcs a couple of years ago, only we are better, clearer, a few degrees closer to the apogees of our lifes' paths. I love seeing how we've just eased into the next stage.

And now for something completely different...Tillie rolling around at Emily's house, enjoying the spotlight (Ain't she cute?!):

1 comment:

Mommy said...

I totally can relate to all the aching. By the way...I didn't see any "rolling around" in the video! LOL