Monday, October 01, 2007

Emerging from Nap

I am officially a stay-at-home mom. Well…that is, if I wanted to call myself that I could. And well…except for the “mom” part. I still haven’t had the baby. However, I finished my last freelance job this morning, and now I am actually free…and lanced. It was a nightmare, as my previous vitriolic post indicated. I had to stay up all night once again to meet the deadline, went to bed at 11 am in the morning. I also had to enlist three poor souls to help me over the weekend. In the end, I made very few dollars per hour. When I complain in one month about how I miss the intellectual stimulation of being a professional writer, slingin’ les mots for la dough, please remind me of this day: a day in which many margaritas were needed yet none could be partaken in.

[Image from:]

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