Thursday, April 26, 2012

Djanguage Boom

Django's language is really starting to take off, which is just a joy for me. I'm now getting to find out what he thinks about things, what his interests are. When children get language, it is kind of like finally getting to meet them for real. For those who are keeping track, Django's first full sentence was, "My milk is done." (He said it while shaking his empty glass at grandpa's house on Easter.) His second full sentence was, "Dada, you do poopoo." (He was accusing *someone* of farting.) And, by the way, he thinks that fart humor is the height of funny. If you make a fart noise, he will yell "Ewww!" with a big grin on his face. Then he will start making a bunch of fart noises. He's a real classy guy, that Django!

1 comment:

mr_chompers said...

I love keeping up with your blog so much. This photo is great, and you can tell Django I too think fart jokes are brilliant. :-D