Friday, September 14, 2007

My One Talent Shines

I’ve had quite the busy week and put off studying for my first physical anthropology text until the last minute. Knowing I had two chances to take the test, I decided to go ahead and take the first version completely cold. By that, I mean that the only thing I knew about the test before taking it was that it covered chapters 1 and 2. I didn’t know the titles of those chapters. I didn’t even have a vague idea of what they were about. In fact, I’m not sure I could have told you what “physical anthropology” is.

I got an 87 on the test.

Boy did I feel like a badass. Now, of course, this is my only talent. I can pretty much pass any multiple choice pop-quiz on the first two chapters of any science class there is, even at the college level. No indeed, I am no scholar. I’ve just read, edited, or written every middle school book on science that has been published in the last 8 years. And given my profession as a textbook writer, I am “one” with the multiple choice question. Now, I don’t think I’ll be able to pull that off with chapter 3, whatever it is about…

[Image from:]

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