Monday, July 13, 2009

The Fly Whisperer

We went to a party last week and there were about a dozen or so flies hanging out by this one set of windows. Tillie, who lately has been fascinated with insects (and flies in particular), was quite tickled to have so many playmates. She calls all bugs "bees" and if they are very small, they are "baby bees." She played with the flies for about 20 minutes before she actually caught one! The poor fly was still alive, but not long for this world due to the toddler-pinch-of-death grip Tillie had on its hind quarters. She carried that wriggling fly around for another 20 minutes saying "bee, bee, bee" and showing it all of her favorite parts of the house and introducing it to the other flies. She then proceeded to pitch a giant tantrum when I took away her little buddy and made her wash her hands. Okay, maybe I am the bad guy here, but playing with animals that hang out it poop and give birth to maggots is disgusting in my mind.

Here's some video footage of yet another young entomologist moment:

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