Saturday, October 24, 2009


I'm going to do it! I'm going to participate in National Novel Writing Month. I don't have an idea for a plot or any characters yet, but the lovely thing about NaNoWriMo is that it places importance on quantity not quality. Starting November 1st, I will be writing a 50,000 word manuscript for a crappy (or brilliant--either works) novel. On average, that's about 5-6 pages a day. I'm excited to try out a new kind of writing for me and I hope that it helps improve my professional writing--or at least is just fun.

Here's the link if you want to find out more:

I encourage all of you to try it along with me this year. I'd love to have some virtual, or even in-town buddies, for support and camaraderie. It is free (or pay what you want) and there is no actual pressure to finish (or at least as much pressure as you want). Even if you do not have any interest in participating, please feel free to encourage/ask/nag me about it : ) I'm psyched!


Dork Reporter said...

Oh my gosh, I am IN. This sounds like a riot! I have no plot or characters or topics either, but I think just being forced to write, something, anything, will be good. Also, the whole quantity thing? Awesome. It will keep me from editing my stuff to death, which is what usually stops up my writing. I spend too much time tweaking and then end up at a standstill.

I'm psyched! I also think this may be something that I'll need to blog about daily, just so other people can help keep me honest.

I am so excited all of the sudden!

Dork Reporter said...

Just signed up; my username is dorkreporter if you want to buddy up with me. =c)

thixotropy said...

Excellent--saw your post on facebook. We will be in touch! I currently have nothing in the way of ideas, but I am still excited about it, feels like I'm falling in love or something. Hopefully my new love won't be scorned come late November : )