Friday, October 23, 2009

Leonardo de Tillie's First Oevre

This, my dear blogadiers, is Tillie's first drawing! Yes, my maternal chest swelled with pride as I witnessed her draw this likeness of a "kitty cat" per my request. I don't really need to point out to you any of the features, as their verisimilitude is so exact, but she explained to me as she carefully pushed the red crayon across the card that the two keen dots are its eyes and the dark, round maw below them is its mouth.

PS. Not impressed? Well, perhaps I should show you the little puddle of pee that she left in the potty for the first time this week. Hah! Now I know you think her a Renaissance woman!

1 comment:

TaylorM said...

That is one fantastic drawing, let me tell you. And I was an art major!