Monday, June 25, 2012

Latin Dance

Tillie has been taking a Latin dance class.  The first session covered traditional Brazilian dances and hip hop.  It turns out that you probably get a lot more out of Latin dance class when you know your left from your right.  And, it is also useful to know that there is such a thing as another country (besides Texas).  However, it was not a total waste of time.  Tillie liked to jump around with other kids and get a snack at the end.  I liked to watch her learn Portuguese words, make a b-girl pose, and dance capoeira.  (Capoeira is the traditional Brazilian martial arts dancing.  It is very cool!)  There was also some very cool drumming and a carnival/mardi-gras-style king's parade on the last day of class.  Tillie was told she should wear a costume, such as a king or a queen costume.  Naturally, she wore her Captain America getup.

Here are some videos of some of the dances she learned; sadly they do not really capture the charm of viewing in person.  Maybe next year, we'll do better.

Hip Hop:



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