Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ho Ho Ho Made

Tillie received some seriously darling homemade gifties this past christmas. It has taken me a while to finally getting around to documenting their delightfulness. I wish I could say that I am the type of free-swinging, relaxed person who would let her child play with these gifts while she ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a dog or two poised to "clean things up" afterward. However, I would like them to last a few minutes longer than that. Now that they have been cataloged I can finally let her have them. I know they will be favorites.

These two were made by Tillie's tias Chovy and Ines. They are "Kitty" and "Little Crackers."

A month ago I wrote about the elephant toys that were a joint project by Scott and me. He designed them (thank goodness) and I crafted them. I made 7 to give away and still have 3 more to finish sewing for Tillie herself. We call them "Elephant in Pudding Pants" which is a reference to a story that is hard to explain and even harder to remember exactly how it came about. Suffice to say, there is an elephant in pudding pants in all of us. Here's one of them:

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