Monday, June 04, 2007

Parenthood, Sigh

Well, today I officially have felt my first painful sacrifice in the name of motherhood. A prominent science magazine in the UK just announced the application deadline for an internship, for which I was the runner-up candidate in January. Back then, when I was NOT pregnant, I could have spent 6 months adventuring in Cambridge, HAD I gotten the job, which I did not. I had accomplished one of those dream interviews for a job, one in which you really hit it off with the would-be manager and you’re joking around and the two of you are thinking how much fun it would be to work together. Anyway, I didn’t get the job, so obviously this imagined amazing rapport was a bit one-sided. However, he really encouraged me to apply for the next one. So here I am, exactly six months later, and the next one has been announced and I freakin’ CAN’T apply for it!!! So painful! (A little side note: a tiny certain someone was actually conceived the day I received the rejection letter--aargh!)

Desperate fantasies abound as I envisage flying my 8-months pregnant pod of a belly overseas to England, where I might squeeze in a month of intense science-editorial training before taking advantage of socialized medicine to give birth to a beautiful, bouncing British citizen and then spend five months breast feeding while completing my internship. And while I’m dreaming up this ridiculous plan, I might as well have Her Majesty the Queen happen upon me and my adorable child and offer to adopt us and shower us with expensive gifts and we never have to work again unless we want to.
The End.

[Image from:]

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