Friday, October 06, 2006

Radio Interference

Hah! What a hilarious clash of characters we have in the college radio studio every Friday morning. The radio show I produce with two other graduate students is modeled after public radio--we try to mix serious with challenging with accurate with sweet with funny with sad, you know, to get that This American Life meets Living on Earth meets Talk of the Nation feel to it. Anyway, the two-hour morning radio show that we interrupt is hosted by these two undergrads. They are pretty cute--sorry to sound so condescending, but it’s hard to think of a more flattering yet still accurate word for their dejaying style--perhaps precocious? Hmm, still condescending.

At any rate, we three ladies are trying to cue up our minidisk tracks and download our mp3s in preparation for a heartwarming show about “challenges” in which we have a story about an all-women’s triathlon, another story about a political race between two candidates who happen to be women, and then a live guest interview with a doula (kind of a like a midwife)--coincidently a very feminine show. Meanwhile, these two young punks, who are reluctant to give up the soundboard they are hogging, are doing their best impression of Howard Stern (btw a BU alum!) with some vulgar banter about their experiences with dating bisexual women and having three-way sex.

Now, I couldn’t tell you if either of these guys had really had a ménage a trois, but something tells me that on some level of consciousness this topic was for our benefit. Or maybe it wasn’t. But, it certainly was a hilarious juxtaposition. I mean, what were the station managers thinking when they put our shows together? What radio audience would listen to them and then stick around for us? And, who of those that tuned in for us would want to listen to them? Now I see why radio stations don’t mix genres. It just doesn’t work.

Have a listen at this link:
October 6th show - CHALLENGES

[Image from:]

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