Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Food Cubed

My latest elaborate and ridiculous hobby: making and freezing baby foods. There's nothing ridiculous about making baby food, but freezing it into fun shapes is for my pleasure only. Tillie never seems to notice how her food is stored, hee, hee.

Freezing the purees:

Yam star, chicken cattiatore cube, carrot star, and apricot heart:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Internal Revedrool Service

Ug, so stressed...can barely deal. At least there is cute in my life. Perhaps I should share:

Monday, April 07, 2008

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Tot Watchers

We took Tillie in for her 6-month checkup and it is official—she has to go on a little baby diet! Apparently, 42 ounces of formula a day is a little much for our 19.5-pound circus queen. So, she will be switching to a diet of mostly solid foods. That’s three squares a day! Both mommy and baby went swimsuit shopping to “celebrate.” Baby looked much cuter in hers than mommy, so someone else will be going on a diet, too. Holler if you are interested in scheming with me about Weight Watchers. I’m going to start on Monday.

This issue of Women’s Health magazine arrived last week addressed to Tillie, no kidding!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Conversations with Tills

Myahm myahm myahm...this duck is tasty.

I'm sorry, did you say something?

Nuh uh, really!