The big question when you combine your genes to make a baby is: who does she look like? When she first came out, Tillie looked just like baby pictures of me. See what I’m saying:
Baby Molly:
Baby Tillie:
Then, for the first two months, she seemed to be a clone of my mother, always giving me very thoughtful mother-like looks. This kind of weirded me out--not because I don’t want her to be like my mother (I would love that!)--but because it made me feel a little less like HER mother. It was confusing. Okay, maybe this is perhaps something I should discuss with a psychotherapist…but in the meantime, please compare:
Baby Ruth (yum!):
Baby Tillie:
Anyway, Scott keeps insisting that she looks like his side of the family, but I couldn’t see it. I knew she was getting away from looking like my mom and her sister and instead starting to have Scott’s mother’s coloring. But this week, I finally captured a moment where she looked EXACTLY like Scott. It was very exciting! Check it out:
Baby Scott:
Baby Tillie:
Of course, she just looks like herself really…and I love that!