1. work on a book for Glencoe Publishers
2. write, edit, or correlate standards to a Health book
3. sign up for a job that involves only correlating to state standards
I have repeatedly been burned by these three types of textbook jobs, and this week, they all three came together in one nightmarish quagmire that has trapped and tortured me. Accepting this job was a big mistake that has ruined my otherwise lovely week.
If you ever hear me thinking about taking this type of work again, please beat me to death humanely with a blunt Glencoe Health textbook (preferably one that has been correlated).
And while I'm complaining about work, let me go on record with the following statement: State education standards are the worst bullshit bottleneck on our education system. Indeed, Bush's "No Child Left Behind" nonsense should be labeled "No Child Left Un-meddled With," as quoted by one of my witty relations. The education standards are lies told by dirty, overpaid politicians who are trying to distract us from the real problems that school systems face.
[Image from: http://nhumanities.blogspot.com/2005/09/bad-movie-physics.html]